The first impression matters. You know it. If a potential customer downloads the trail version of your software, and has a bad experience trying to install it, that’s another lost sale. And if a customer already put her money down, a difficult setup will be a burden for your tech support department.
DeployMaster was designed to give your (potential) customers a good first impression. Installing software will never be fun, but DeployMaster makes it a snap. It does not ask difficult questions to novices and gives advanced computer users the power they like.
In this guided tour I will show you the setup process for EditPad Lite, packaged with DeployMaster. You can download EditPad Lite at if you want to try the real thing. The real installer lacks a few things like the identity screen that are shown here for completeness, but not actually needed for EditPad Lite.
Right after launching the setup application, the welcome screen will appear.